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Member FAQ

Find the answers to common questions and more below. If you still have questions or would like to talk to someone on our team, feel free to contact us.

Individualized, clinician-backed care for all digestive health needs, all in one platform

cylinder care team icon

Expert Care Team
A Registered Dietitian and dedicated Health Coach

cylinder personalized care plan icon

Personalized Care Plan
To identify the key habits and actions you can take to feel your best

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GutCheck Microbiome Test Kit
Learn how your gut microbiome compares to others as well as how the diversity of bacteria is tied to your overall health

cylinder gutside assistance icon

24/7 Gut-Side Assistance™
On-demand help from a gut health expert—anytime, anywhere

cylinder personal nutrition

Personal Nutrition and Special Diets
To reduce inflammation and relieve digestive symptoms

cylinder smart food symptoms icon

Smart Food and Symptom Diary
To help you monitor progress, detect possible trigger foods, and stay the course

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Personalized Education
Self-paced courses, informative articles, and tips for better health

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Cylinder App
To tie the whole program together in one convenient place—your phone

How much does it cost to participate?

Nothing! There are no out-of-pocket costs to you for any part of the Cylinder program including Care Team visits or GutCheck microbiome kits. Cylinder may be covered by employers, health plans, and other benefits providers.

How can I get Cylinder?

Mobile App
Download the Cylinder app in the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android) and enter “CompanyName” listed on marketing materials when prompted for company code.

Go to and click “Register now” to complete the form.

Do I need a smartphone to participate?

While you can access the Cylinder web version on your computer, we highly recommend you download the free Cylinder mobile app on your phone and enter your “CompanyName” when prompted for company code.

Who is on my Care Team?

Registered Dietitian: One-on-one, personalized help with all things food — identifying symptom triggers, meal planning, nutrition tips, and improving overall gut health.

Health Coach: Help with stress, goal setting, navigating the healthcare system, exercise, medication management, and making positive changes that last.

How often should I meet with my Care Team?

Your choice – this program is all about you! Keep in mind that the Cylinder members who experience the greatest benefit meet with their Care Team on a regular basis. You can also chat with your Care Team in between sessions.

How do I make an appointment with my Care Team?

To schedule an appointment with a member of your Care Team:

  1. Log in to or open the Cylinder app on your smartphone
  2. Tap the Care Team icon in the bottom right corner
  3. Click on the Care Team member you’d like to meet with and select “Schedule Session”
  4. Select the date and time, then tap “Next” to confirm
  5. Click three dots on upper right corner of the appt to add to your calendar

With two people on my Care Team, should I connect with one or both of them?

It’s up to you based on which aspects of health you’d like to focus on. If you want to work on stress, anxiety, exercise, and sleep, start with your Health Coach.

If you are looking to find trigger foods, manage your weight, or start meal planning, reach out to your Dietitian. The program is personalized to you. If you’re not sure where to start, schedule an appointment with your Health Coach.

Is Cylinder only for people diagnosed with a chronic GI disease?

Cylinder is open to everyone. We all have digestive trouble from time to time, so the program is designed to help with a range of conditions and symptoms. From occasional gas, heartburn, or bowel trouble to chronic GI conditions like IBS, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis, Cylinder provides science-based solutions that are proven to work.

What types of symptoms can you help with?

Bowel irregularity, bloating, gas, acid reflux (heartburn), appetite regulation, general discomfort, stress, lack of motivation, trouble swallowing, hemorrhoids, constipation, diarrhea, stomach pain, incontinence, weight management, sluggishness, low energy, and more.

We can also help members better understand diagnoses like Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac, GERD, and IBS.

What types of situations do you help with?

Digestive health is complex and tied to so many other aspects of our life, body, and overall well-being. That’s why our team is specially trained across multiple disciplines:

  • Dietary recommendations tailored to your lifestyle and preferences
  • Grocery lists, personal meal plans, recipes, cooking or dining-out tips
  • Identifying food triggers and symptom patterns
  • Setting health goals and sticking to new routines
  • Accountability, encouragement, motivation, and support
  • Doctor appointment prep
  • Navigating difficult conversations or situations
  • Education and awareness — nutrition, weight management, stress management, news, and research
  • Finding an exercise routine that works best for you
  • Insight and guidance into how to live better, with less effort

If I don't really have digestive trouble, can Cylinder still help me?

Yes. Researchers are discovering that common issues like stress, fatigue, moodiness, and even sinus and skin problems can all tie back to gut health. Cylinder can help with overall healthier lifestyles even if you don’t have GI issues. With this program, members get help with exercise routines, diets, stress management, better sleep, and developing healthy habits and how to stick to them.

Who can help in an urgent situation?

On-call nurses compliment your Cylinder Care Team and are available 24/7/365 for symptom flares or situations you just aren’t sure how to navigate. For true medical emergencies, call 911.

How do you protect my privacy?

Our team members are trained in cyber security and HIPAA data handling. We never email personal health information. On phone calls, your ID will always be verified. Our tech team encrypts all data, and we have multiple automated safeguards in place to protect your privacy.

Will my employer know if I participate in Cylinder?

No. Member participation in Cylinder is covered by HIPAA privacy laws that protect personal health information, even from your employer.

Why did I get information about Cylinder? Was I singled out because of a medical condition?

No. Your health information is private. Cylinder announcement emails are sent to all eligible employees, regardless of health status or medical condition. We also promote the Cylinder program through workplace posters, flyers, and a listing on your company benefits site.

How do physicians feel about this service?

They appreciate it! The Cylinder program doesn’t replace doctor’s orders; rather, it bridges gaps in care so it’s easier to follow your doctor’s advice. The program can also help you communicate with your providers by suggesting questions to ask and helping you prepare for appointments.

Still have a question?

Contact us